Wednesday, July 19, 2006

sharing the comfort of the shade

singapore airport
Originally uploaded by
simply mals.

i look so happy here. i wish i am now.

its been 10 days since i left the comfort of living in pinas.
i do love travelling but i wasnt prepared for this two month relocation to a foreign place where the people tend to be obnoxious sometimes, where some can't understand a simple "no" in english. Arrrggghhhh!
what i wish for now is to have the power to get the days going and going until its time for me to be home.

but then, looking at life away from home also stimulates my curiosity to learn how other people live. had it not been for this travel, i would not have known how missing my friends, family and a special someone could be killing me. i now appreciate the time that i was home with them. on the other hand, its just too early to arrive at a conclusion as to how my travel will end, but im positive that i've got a lot to share after this long journey. ciao. till next time.

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