Friday, November 10, 2006

bear-ry hug

sat night , 11/04/06, marked my immersion into his world. being nervous and uptight to meet his relatives seem pretty normal, i guess, but as the time speaks of people in slumber i began to relax and simply adored my partner that night. i was too busy thinking of how to blend in with the crowd that i forgot how specifically he complimented me that night, how he managed to divide his attention between me and his family, and how he stood by my side all through the night sending me reassurances that he is always there. it was a magical night, but of course, even princesses have their own bloopers to share... my prince had somehow forgotten that my gown is a bit long at the back that he kept on stepping on it. it was quite funny when i am suddenly rooted to where i stand because i cant move a thing. hahahaha

it was a very wonderful evening esp to the debutante. and i shared this happiness because it felt great to finally meet some of the most important persons in my man's life.

the pic shows it all :)

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